Hello! And welcome to Hiraen, a Petz website dedicated to bringing you adoptions, shows, and a little extra pixel goodness on the side. ;) Whether you're here for the first time or are just checking on whether or not we're still around, thanks for coming by! Along with the usual links & crew, you'll also find free resources and some find-its.

We've been around since, and this is layout !

So take a minute to look around! Any questions, comments, or concerns (D:?) can be left below in the Cbox, or sent to me at sitaevans[at]gmail.com. Enjoy! ^^

Last updated 3.30.13
OH WOW LOOKIT DAT LAYOUT. We're back baybay!
Been quite a while, hasn't it? :) Feels good to have the time,
and to have found a little inspiration in this past month.
So far just have the basics up, but will be working on getting
some new litters up & starting work on the find-its! ^_^

Content made by Sita, no stealing!